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New posts in window-functions

Alias of window function field causing a "not found" error when used in HAVING and WHERE clauses

In SQL how to select previous rows based on the current row values?

SQLAlchemy sum function with bounds

Replacing self joins by window functions

Update PostgreSQL table with values from self

Window Functions or Common Table Expressions: count previous rows within range

Average stock history table

Postgres ratio_to_report function

How to filter data using window functions in spark

Scala Spark - Count occurrences of a specific string in Dataframe column

mutate by group in R

r window-functions dplyr

PostgreSQL last_value ignore nulls

Find movies with highest number of awards in certain year - code duplication

How to "reset" running SUM after it reaches a threshold?

How to get same rownumber() for same values

Partitioning function for continuous sequences

Snowflake: "SQL compilation error:... is not a valid group by expression"

Grouping based on every N days in postgresql

"Cumulative difference" function in R

r window-functions cumsum

Spark Scala : Getting Cumulative Sum (Running Total) Using Analytical Functions