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New posts in api-design

REST API: Do I need to authenticate log out action?

Laravel API, the right way to pass multiple objects in one POST request

Formal principles and processes for designing an API (C#)

REST design for update/add/delete item from a list of subresources

Is it possible to download an audio file and play it using React Native Expo?

Technical background to the C++ fmt::print vs. fmt::format_to naming?

c++ api-design fmt

REST api design to retrieve summary information

json rest api-design

In C++, is it okay to implement an iterator interface in which advancing invalidates the "current" element?

Spring Boot REST Design for Search API

How to change viewset retrieve response in Django Rest Framework?

Scala - Define type for Either for compactness or write it explicitly for readability?

scala api-design either

Api design: Which is better: returning null for empty values or nothing

json mongodb api-design

Windows API and GetClassName()? Another name?

c++ windows api-design

Suggest me a better name for an API method

REST API Design regarding DELETE method

Minimal API v. Convenience

Best way to name async method
