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New posts in spring-rest

Conditionally returning both JSON and (HTML) templates from @RestController in Spring Boot

Error: The given id must not be null for GeneratedValue in JPA

Spring Boot REST Design for Search API

Tomcat: No modifications are allowed to a locked ParameterMap

Disable Keycloak authentication for a specific url in spring-boot

AngularJS spring security login/logout with Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)

how to route to an external url using zuul proxy filter

Spring RestTemplate (setBufferRequestBody as false) does not like MultiValueMap request body, which contains an InputStream object

How to Use AWS Cognito without using API Gateway for Custom Spring REST API Authorization

Spring REST response is different in a custom controller

Livy REST API: GET requests work but POST requests fail with '401 Authentication required'

kerberos spring-rest livy

restTemplate delete with body

Documenting byte[] response in Spring Rest Docs

Spring RestController POST 400 Bad Request

spring CORS and angular not working : HTTP status code 403 error

HTTP POST using JSON in Spring Rest

How to return image in Spring REST to browser

Does Spring create new thread per request in rest controllers?