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New posts in spring-rest

Comparison method violates its general contract while using Spring Rest Template

spring security webSecurity.ignoring()

Paging results of aggregation pipeline with spring data mongodb

Spring : Auto Generate CRUD Rest Controller

Correct way to handle exceptions in Spring Boot

XmlElement(name="custom_name") not working in spring boot integrated with rest services

How to configure spring's RestTemplate to make http2 requests?

What belongs to the Controller-layer, what to the Service-layer?

spring jpa - At least one JPA metamodel must be present*

Spring REST @ResponseStatus with Custom exception class does not change the return Status code


How to remove escape characters when JSON is added to model in spring rest controller

Spring Boot REST path mapping

Spring REST - validating primitive GET request parameters

Spring RestTemplate exchange POST HttpClientException with any non 200 OK response

Custom validation logic for parameter in REST endpoint Spring Boot

Official way to implements PATCH method in REST with partial update

Starting with Spring framework

Not able to return ResponseEntity with Exception Details in spring

RestTemplate can't fetch JSONObject

Spring boot rest service to download a zip file which contains multiple file