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Xcode 4 - Finder with Regular Expressions

iphone ios xcode finder

AppleScript to Javascript

Getting the POSIX path of the Finder's front window

objective-c cocoa finder

Programmatically add a folder to "Places" in Finder

macos finder

move a file in finder with applescript

applescript finder

Copy items via Finder and Applescript: how to get "item exists - replace?" dialog in Finder?

macos applescript finder

HTML: Mac-like and Windows-like file browser UI [closed]

Recognizing iOS file packages (in Simulator and Finder)

ios finder uti

svn returns "Invalid control character '0x0d' in path 'Icon\015'" when trying to add Mac custom icon file

svn macos finder diskimage

How do I retrieve all available Finder tags?

swift macos cocoa finder

How does one relaunch Finder programmatically?

Add custom menu items to the Finder context menu

NSWorkspace iconForFile: returns image of low quality

objective-c macos finder

How to add comments in a file and/or directory programmatically?

objective-c macos cocoa finder

How does Dropbox install the App Icon + "Move to Dropbox" global context menu item in Mac OS X Finder?

How do you programmatically put folder icons on the Finder sidebar, given that you have to use a custom icon for the folder?

How to programmatically read Mac .textClipping files?

cocoa finder

Show folder's contents in finder using Swift