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Xcode 4. Why Can't My Renamed Project Find It's Info.plist File?

Under Xcode 4 I renamed a project from Foo to Bar. The former Foo-Info.plist is renamed as Bar-Info.plist. The renamed file exists. On disk and in the project. All should be cool. All is not cool.

When I compile I get this:

could not read data from '/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOS5.0.sdk/Users/PATH/TO/Bar-Info.plist': The file “Bar-Info.plist” couldn’t be opened because there is no such file.

The file does exist in the path shown as well as in the build settings. Is there some cached data I need to purge to unwedge this.

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dugla Avatar asked Jul 07 '11 14:07


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Click on the project you want to rename in the "Project navigator" in the left panel of the Xcode window. In the right panel, select the "File inspector", and the name of your project should be found under "Identity and Type". Change it to your new name.

How do I add the path to my project built information plist file?

All you have to do is click on the blue project icon -on top of the left- and go to the “Build Settings” tab, search “Info. plist” and choose “Info. plist File” section. Then change the information of the section from your folder's name.

Where is the info plist?

The Info. plist file is available in the Xcode project navigator under Supporting Files. For older project files, Info. plist is located under Resources.

1 Answers

XCode is looking in the wrong folder for your Info.plist. Check the Build Setting for Info.plist File; make sure there aren't any qualifiers to the file name.

like image 124
Richard Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 22:09
