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Xcode 3.1.4 missing Code Signing Entitlements Options?




I am on Xcode 3.1.4 and hitting the dreaded ""the executable was signed with invalid entitlements." error.

I am trying to add Entitlement.plist in the BUILD option but I cannot find where to put it.

This option used to exist above the "Code Signing Identity". I think it was called "Code Signing Entitlement" or something.

Is this missing in your version of xcode 3.1.4 ?

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user82383 Avatar asked Sep 03 '09 05:09


People also ask

How do I enable code signing in Xcode?

Generate a Code Signing Certificate using XcodeAt the top of the window select Accounts . Click on the + on the lower left corner and select Add Apple ID... A dialog will appear. Add your Apple ID and your password, then select Sign in .

What is code signing entitlements Xcode?

During code signing, the entitlements corresponding to the app's enabled Capabilities/Services are transferred to the app's signature from the provisioning profile Xcode chose to sign the app. The provisioning profile is embedded into the app bundle during the build.

How can I skip code signing for development builds in Xcode?

To turn the code signing off, go to your project and target "Build Settings", search for "Code Signing Identity" change its value to "Don't Code Sign" in both of them. To make this effective you need to change this value in the Project and all of the Targets separately.

4 Answers


Inside the Target Build Settings->Architecture, Make sure your Base SDK is set to Device and not Simulator.

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user82383 Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 04:10


I could not find the Code Signing Entitlements option in In XCode 4 either...but after staring empty at the screen for about two hours, I did.

If you highlight your project, then select the target of interest and then finally switch from "Basic" to "All", you will find it.

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Daniel Saidi Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 05:10

Daniel Saidi

Nice one, solved my problem too.

Its in the project menu at the bottom "edit active target", or press ALT+CMD+E

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Gav Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 05:10


I had the same problem and my base SDK was set to "iPhone Device 2.0 (missing)". Changing it to "iPhone Device 2.2.1" fixed the above, and a number of other odd things that were happening.

Thanks user82383!

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user270200 Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 04:10
