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New posts in application-lifecycle

Reasonable expectation to support new Operating Systems?


Application context gets killed but activity not

How to detect previous Activity when app go to background

How to perform cleanup when application is killed in background?

Why Application.Exit event works even if handler is async void in WPF application lifecycle?

applicationWillTerminate: not being called

Considering Porting App from .NET to Erlang - need advice [closed]

How to implement the lifecycle callbacks of play framework(2.5.x)

How to restart an app in UWP?

What does 'GA' mean for sourcecode? [closed]

Android Application onCreate, when is it called

Best way for a Grails Service class to detect application shutdown?

Android App/Activity To Start Fresh Completely every time it starts or resumes?

Application_Start ASP.NET

Which method and function is called first when any iOS application start?

ios application-lifecycle

View controller responds to app delegate notifications in iOS 12 but not in iOS 13

Why is IsCancellationRequested not set to true on stopping a BackgroundService in .NET Core 3.1?

Which method is called when my activity gets the focus? (after a phone call, back key, home key, etc...)