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New posts in activity-lifecycle

Confusion over the Android Activity Lifecycle

Bring application to background and then to foreground

Android: Unexplained crashes when the app is reopened after a while

How to detect previous Activity when app go to background

getRunningAppProcesses() returns processes that were destroyed

Android P onStart called before onActivityResult

How to deal with retained data after Activity comes to foreground when using more than one Activity?

onStop() does not gets called?

Android Activity Lifecycle: restoring app after kill - design problem

android - There is no default constructor for ArrayAdapter

Which actions does the back button/back key on Android trigger?

Activity layout blinking after finish() is called

android AsyncTask with activity lifecycle

Why does saving a Hashtable of non-Parcelable objects in onSaveInstanceState() sometimes work?

Distinguish between pushing "home" button and opening another Activity