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iOS-Swift UIApplication.shared.isIdleTimerDisabled = true not working after review from AppStore

iOS How can I use UIApplication launchApplicationWithIdentifier which is in private APIs?

Keep a UIView or UIViewController on top of all others

Restarting iPhone application after [UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL

[UIScreen mainScreen].bounds vs [UIApplcation sharedApplication].keyWindow.bounds?

Type 'UIApplication' has no member 'didBecomeActiveNotification'

Whatsapp message for a new number

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Delegate Property for UIApplication

Why in iOS 11, my UIApplicationState show as inactive state instead of active?

NSApplication vs UIApplication

Call using Skype.app via openURL:

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How to test Background App Launch in case of NSURLSession(Background Session) event?

How can I detect UIStatusBar hide and show?

iphone ios uiapplication

canOpenURL failing for system-wide URL schemes