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What is malloc: recording malloc (but not VM allocation) stacks using lite mode

Hello what is this follwoing message in xcode debug.
SomeApp(2389,0x1092763c0) malloc: recording malloc (but not VM allocation) stacks using lite mode

xCode 8.3

like image 870
iSwift Avatar asked Mar 10 '23 09:03


1 Answers

The log message seems to come from


as the source code is available here at line #567 - or at least search in text "recording malloc (but not VM".

malloc_printf(ASL_LEVEL_INFO, "recording malloc (but not VM allocation) stacks to disk using standard recorder\n");

About the logging environment, you should have a look on the Apple documentation.

If you are worried about the log message, I'd refer to the inline comments in source:

// Set up stack logging as early as possible to catch all ensuing VM allocations,
// including those from _malloc_printf and malloc zone setup.  Make sure to set
// __syscall_logger after this, because prepare_to_log_stacks() itself makes VM
// allocations that we aren't prepared to log yet.

So I guess you should ignore it unless you want to debug memory allocations.

In order to set/unset the malloc debug environment, select Edit Scheme... from the project toolbar and enter the Diagnostics panel.

XCode Scheme Panel

like image 75
Lookaji Avatar answered Apr 06 '23 11:04
