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iOS event/notification for network activity up/down/off

Xcode 8 : The request to open bundle-id failed. SpringBoard was unable to service the request

Significant delay launching app from Springboard

ios performance springboard

Font size for app title in Springboard on iPad

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Setting a BBSectionInfo using BBSettingsGateway fails for unclear reason

iPhone App name (springboard and target) list of allowed special characters

How to start Jailbreak development

Additional Icon in App Name/Lable

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iOS without Springboard: Terminating since there is no system event server


VirtualBox macOS Catalina Springboard quit unexpectedly [closed]

Use PDF in XCode for an AppIcon (.appiconset collection)

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Why iOS apps signed with development or enterprise certificates launch slower?

SpringBoard failed to launch application with error: -3

Detect which app is in foreground on iOS9 without jailbreak

How to permanently fix Xcode 5 SpringBoard failed to launch application with error: -3 [duplicate]