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Verify that a helper tool is installed

iOS Pasteboard strange random crash

XPC not creating any processes for XPC services

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XPC test bundle on Xcode 5

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Alternatives to XPC Service

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Security Scoped Bookmark in App Extension

Crashed: XPC API Misuse: Over-resume of a connection

Setting a BBSectionInfo using BBSettingsGateway fails for unclear reason

Swift: XPC connection interrupted and app freezes?

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How should Finder Sync Extension and Main App communicate?

Send file URL and args to (running) macOS app via command line

How to debug communication between XPC service and client app in OSX

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Is an XPC interruption handler called when launchd kills the process?

Using a LaunchAgent inside the Mac app sandbox

Crash in iOS: XPC API Misuse

ios iphone xpc

core audio user-space plug-in driver - sandbox preventing data interaction from another process

SMJobBless failed with CFErrorDomainLaunchd Code 9