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New posts in launchd

Using launchctl in from NSTask

launchd: Managing a Java Jar

java macos launchd launchctl

Launchctl minimal working example with Python

python macos launchd

Running Python Script with Launchd: imports not found

How to check for a launched process is loaded or not in MAC OS X from shell script?

macos launchd

iPhone app crashes when launched from Xcode, but not from iPhone

why did launchd open a port and what is listening?

listener port launchd lsof

Shell Script doesn't run automatically though it is registered in Mac OS X Login Items

Launchd not loading nginx on startup

nginx plist homebrew launchd

How can I launch multiple instances of an application using launchd?


NSNotification to detect other program's crashes

SMJobRemove succeeds, but plist and helper tool not deleted

Launchd script running but output is missing (Exited with code: 2)

macos shell launchd

Cannot set custom $PATH for Qt Creator on OS X 10.10

Mac OSX 10.9.2, launchd error: "launchctl: Dubious ownership on file (skipping)"