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Simulate iBeacon with macOS

I have the latest Mac Mini 2012 model.

I want to use it as beacon and tried to use this project to do so: https://github.com/timd/MactsAsBeacon

I've set up proper UUID, major, and minor but my app doesn't recognize it.

This mac supports bluetooth 4.0 but, it didn't work as a beacon.

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nyanev Avatar asked Mar 20 '23 01:03


2 Answers

My company has released a similar app that is just a simple command line interface for broadcasting iBeacon, which you can find on github: iBeacon-CLI. This might be helpful to try for troubleshooting.

You might also want to use System Information to verify that your hardware supports BLE, sometimes plugging in external Bluetooth modules can mess with what the system thinks is available.

This can be done by:

  1. Going to Applications/Utilities
  2. Double click "System Information.app"
  3. Click on "Bluetooth" on the left column under "Hardware"
  4. Verify it says "LMP Version: 0x6"

LMP Version

If you do use an external Bluetooth device, When you install it you may need to force the system to be able to recognize it and switch the Bluetooth stack to use it. The way to do that is to run the following command in terminal.

sudo nvram bluetoothHostControllerSwitchBehavior="always"

The only other thing I would suggest is re-checking that you have the same UUID in your app and in the iBeacon software on the Mac. Most of the time I have problems is simply because have fat-fingered that.

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csexton Avatar answered Mar 27 '23 09:03


Yes, this mac can transmit iBeacon. I have the same model and had success with BeaconOSX

P.S. I use Mavericks

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sage444 Avatar answered Mar 27 '23 08:03
