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New posts in windows-10-mobile

Can't find windows 10 emulators in Visual Studio 2015

Disabling vertical (swipe) scrolling in a ListView

How to deselect ListViewItem programmatically?

How to handle back button pressed for UWP

Install 2 versions of same Windows 10 Universal App in the same OS instance

Windows 10 UAP deploy code 705 and DEP0700 / DEP6100 / DEP6200

The emulator is unable to connect to the device

How to load pages inside split view content's frame passing parameters on UWP?

Visual Studio Pro 2015: Error DEP6100

How to prevent TextBlock from getting automatic focus

How to deploy Windows Phone 8.1 app to Windows 10 Mobile device?

How to create a custom VirtualizingPanel on Windows Phone 8.1 / Windows 10?

FolderPicker does not work in UWP Windows 10 app (mobile)

How to detect that WP8.1 app launched on Windows 10 Mobile?

Windows 10 Mobile Error: DEP6200

How to use C++ class in Windows 10 C# universal app? [closed]

"en" vs "en-US" as default language for Windows 10 UWP (distributed worldwide)

UWP: byte[] to file

Interface where one of the implementations needs to be async