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New posts in dotnet-httpclient

Create a folder in SP2013 using REST and HTTPClient

windows.web.http and ByteArray

How to post XML data via HTTP POST method in windows store apps?

Paralell.ForEach with HttpClient and ContinueWith

Deserializing a dictionary key from json to an enum in .net [duplicate]

Issue creating HttpClient helper method

c# dotnet-httpclient

HttpClient GetAsync ThreadPool Starvation

Thread was aborted issue in httpClient.PostAsync

c# dotnet-httpclient

Is it fine to use one HttpClient instance for each host my application needs to talk to?

IHttpClientFactory and changing the base HttpClient.BaseAddress

How to configure HttpClient base address in Blazor Server using IHttpClientFactory

Dispose of Injected HttpClient

Synchronous Concurrent HttpClient Usage

Uploading large files to Controller in chunks using HttpClient, IFormFile always empty

How do I not exclude charset in Content-Type when using HttpClient?

NO_PROXY ignored by .net core 3.0 on Windows

How to cancel previous Task if new request recieved?

Receiving error 'The request message was already sent' when using Polly

Why HttpClient does not hold the base address even when it`s set in Startup

HttpClient PostAsync to Blogger API