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New posts in .net-core-3.0

Cannot resolve symbol GetConnectionstring

c# .net-core-3.0

IHost.RunAsync() Never Returns

c# .net-core-3.0

Reading static files in ASP.NET Blazor

Identify roles with SPA and .NET Core 3

JsonSerializer behaves not as expected when the specifc class is casted to something else

Aes encryption in .net Core 3.0 'Specified key is not a valid size for this algorithm.'

c# .net .net-core-3.0

.net core 3 yields different floating point results from version 2.2

NO_PROXY ignored by .net core 3.0 on Windows

Is it possible to implement custom safe cast (using "as" between arbitrary abstract data structures)?

Assembly unloading after seriaization with Json.NET

c# json.net .net-core-3.0

MVC controller API access in Blazor not working with .NET Core 3.0

File upload with Swagger 5.0.0-rcX and .Net-Core 3

Error Publishing with /p:PublishSingleFile=true Flag

c# .net-core-3.0

How to use enums with EnumMember attribute in FromBody ViewModel in Web API Request?

How to use class fields with System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer?

Deserialization of reference types without parameterless constructor is not supported