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New posts in win-universal-app

Visual Studio - Registration of the app failed after uninstalling app

The application requesting authentication tokens is either disabled or incorrectly configured

Play sound in Universal Windows Platform

c# win-universal-app

How can I make the first item in a xaml ListView different?

How to set CommandBar / AppBar to be always open

How do you change the title bar color in a Windows Universal app?

Get list of loaded Assemblies on UAP10 platform

Windows 10 UAP deploy code 705 and DEP0700 / DEP6100 / DEP6200

Error awaiting DeviceInformation.FindAllAsync(selector) with System.Runtime.WindowsRuntime referenced

How to show a loading image in UWP?

c# win-universal-app

XAML Grid Columns Width

c# xaml win-universal-app

How to get parent of an element?

c# xaml win-universal-app

Create SwipeListView in Windows 10 UWP apps like in outlook mail app

Windows 10 (Universal Windows App) data validation

How to intercept Enter key in AutoSuggestBox?

c# xaml win-universal-app

How can I simulate a DeviceLost event with Win2D?

c# win-universal-app win2d

UWP TextBox VerticalContentAlignment

Pivot Header style

How to make frosted glass effect in Windows 10 Universal App? [closed]

UWP Modal Window