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Waiting for clipboard text change (error)

c# .net exception clipboard sta

How to access COM object within a BackgroundWorker?

.net wpf multithreading com sta

Will COM marshalling be (ever) neccessary for an object with ThreadingModel Both?

Defining STA: "single thread affinity" or "single threaded apartment"; and how they relate

c# wpf winforms com sta

WPF with Windows Forms - STAThread

c# wpf winforms sta

How are STA COM components handled when used in a WCF service hosted in IIS (7+)?

wcf iis com sta

Is there a way to programmatically set the ApartmentState to STA?

.net powershell sta

How to run NUnit test in STA thread?

c# .net-core nunit sta

How to pump message for COM STA threads in C#?

c# com message sta doevents

"The calling thread must be STA" workaround

C# STAThread COMException

c# .net com sta

How many 'STA' threads can coexist inside a process?

How to tell thread-pool to run a delegate on a `STA` thread?

c# threadpool sta

SetApartmentState and [STAThread]

c# multithreading com watin sta

Set ApartmentState for async void main

c# async-await sta mta

Process.Start is blocking

c# process blocking sta

Why do all Winforms programs require the [STAThread] attribute? [duplicate]

c# .net winforms sta

Is Powershell -sta (apartment state) preferred?

powershell sta

The calling thread must be STA, because many UI components require this error In WPF. On form.show()

c# wpf sta

Starting an STAThread in C#

c# .net wcf sta