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New posts in state-pattern

How should an object using the state pattern be transitioned to the next state?

Alternative for instanceOf (State Pattern)

State design pattern User Interface

Does it makes sense to use state pattern with virtual proxies?

State Pattern with Entity Framework

State pattern: Why doesn't the context class implement or inherit the State abstract interface/class?

State pattern java

To use or not to use the State Pattern?

Does state pattern accurately represent the approach?

State pattern and encapsulation

Doctrine2 + soft delete as a state pattern

Does the implementation of the java.util.Iterator use the State pattern?

Decouple GWT Asynchronous callbacks

Memento design pattern and State design pattern

Enum vs Lookup table vs Enum reflection vs State pattern

Give me a real-life, non-trivial use of the State Pattern

State Pattern and Domain Driven Design

Designing a state machine in C++

Replacing if/else logic with state/strategy pattern