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State pattern java

I am learning design pattern in java

I was doing through some of links.I am trying to design a washing machine by state pattern

I have a query regarding the implementation of state design pattern

public interface State {

   public void openLid();
   public void closeLid();
   public void start();
   public void stop();
   public void washing();

 public class Idle implements State{
 //implementing overidden methods


 public class Washing implements State {
       //implementing overidden methods

 public class WashingMachine {
   State state;

   public WashingMachine(State state) {
    this.state =  new Idle();

  public State getState() {
    return state;

   public void setState(State state) {
    this.state = state;


I want to know when switching between state between idle to washing the implementation there can be two ways which is saw over net

1.WashingMachine class implements State interface and switch state from Idle to washing or vice versa based on some condition

2.Idle and Washing class has WashingMachine as member variable.

Please any one can suggest I am a bit confused about the implementation part.

like image 581
coder25 Avatar asked Oct 29 '16 10:10


People also ask

What is State pattern used for?

The state pattern is used in computer programming to encapsulate varying behavior for the same object, based on its internal state. This can be a cleaner way for an object to change its behavior at runtime without resorting to conditional statements and thus improve maintainability.

What is true about state design pattern in Java?

The main idea of State pattern is to allow the object for changing its behavior without changing its class. Also, by implementing it, the code should remain cleaner without many if/else statements.

Is state a design pattern?

State is a behavioral design pattern that lets an object alter its behavior when its internal state changes.

What is stateless pattern?

When we implement the stateless design pattern, we create classes and objects that do not retain state changes. In this approach, each use of the object, as an example, uses the object in its organic form. In our context, state refers to the values of the object's variables. So, there is no definitive list of states.

1 Answers

Before addressing your question, I prefer reviewing the idea of the pattern and propose you some little modifications in your code.

State pattern allows an object to alter its behavior when its internal state changes.

In your case, Idle and Washing are good candidates as states and WashingMachine a good candidate to bear the state object.

However, three remarks :

1) Methods provided by the states should be some actions which implementations differ according to under which state the object is.

In your declaration :

public interface WashingMachineState {    
   public void openLid();
   public void closeLid();
   public void start();
   public void stop();
   public void washing();

washing() is not a action but a state.
It is the start() action that changes the state from idle to washing.

In the state pattern, the object with a state is named the context.
In your case, the context is WashingMachine.

2) in the state pattern, the idea is that the context wants to perform some actions which the behavior changes according to the current state.
To achieve that, the context delegates its processings to its current state instance.
It avoid having many if - else if in the context (for each processing), and it allows also to reduce the complexity of the context because when you use the state pattern, you get families of behaviors : :

  • behaviors when we are in the idle state are located in the IdleState class.

  • behaviors when we are in the washing state are located in WashingState class.

  • and so for...

To perform the actions, state instances need the context (WashingMachine).
To address this question, you have two ways of doing :

Either storing the WashingMachine object as a field in the state instance or passing this as an argument when the context WashingMachine object delegates to the state the processing.

I propose you to use the stateless way.
So, when the startWashing() operation is called on a WashingMachine instance, the WashingMachine instance should delegate the processing to state.startWashing() by passing itself such as state.startWashing(this).
The state should provide as parameter a WashingMachine :

public interface WashingMachineState {    
   void openLid(WashingMachine machine);
   void closeLid(WashingMachine machine);
   void pushStartBtn(WashingMachine machine);
   void pushStopBtn(WashingMachine machine);

3) Actually you defined two states : idle and washing.
These should be completed with a stopping state because some operations on the machine (opening the door, pushing the start btn for example...) have a specific behavior when the machine is in the "is stopping" state.
Note that with only two states, you may also wonder if the pattern is relevant.

Now, I can answer to your question.

I want to know when switching between state between idle to washing the implementation there can be two ways which is saw over net

1.WashingMachine class implements State interface and switch state from Idle to washing or vice versa based on some condition

2.Idle and Washing class has WashingMachine as member variable.

WashingMachine and WashingMachineStates are collaborating but different things.
So they have to not rely on the same interface.
Adding WashingMachine object as fields of state subclasses is a possibility.
As explained, you can also pass the WashingMachine as parameter of the State methods.

Note that it is not directly the WashingMachine that performs the switch from a state to another one.
This is performed by the state.
And states should invoke WashingMachine.changeState() to perform it.

The WashingMachine could be :

public class WashingMachine {

   private WashingMachineState state;

   public WashingMachine() {
     this.state =  new Idle();

   protected void changeState(WashingMachineState state) {
     this.state = state;      

   public void openLid(){

   public void closeLid(){
   public void pushStartBtn(){

   public void pushStopBtn(){

   public State getState() {
      return state;


Explanations about modifications on WashingMachine :

  • changeState is more meaningful as setState when using state pattern.

  • changeState(State) could use the protected modifier to decrease the visibility of this method and of course state subclasses should be in the same package than WashingMachine. It is a implementation detail enabled in Java. With other OOP languages, you have other alternatives of course.

About switching from idle to washing, I think that it should be possible only in the IdleState state as pushStartBtn() is invoked.

Here is an example :

public class IdleState implements State {    
   public void openLid(WashingMachine machine){
   public void closeLid(WashingMachine machine){
   public void pushStartBtn(WashingMachine machine){
      //do processing with machine to begin effectively the washing
      machine.changeState(new WashingState());

   public void pushStopBtn(WashingMachine machine){
like image 187
davidxxx Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 18:10
