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New posts in entitymanager

EntityManagerFactory is closed, Hibernate

Quarkus: EntityManager injection with multiple datasources

entitymanager quarkus

JPA 2 - Using the EntityManager in JavaSE - a couple of questions

How I can convert my objects in applicationContext.xml to java annotations

What is the proper way to ensure EntityManager connections are closed?

One DAO per entity - how to handle references?

EntityManager does not write to database

Check if entity was already persisted to EntityManager in Symfony2

Differences between Container Managed and Application Managed EntityManager

jpa-2.0 entitymanager

Is there a stateless version of the JPA EntityManager?

EntityManager query by joinColumn

Symfony 3 - EntityManager dependency injection with multiple db connections

How do I resolve "Unable to resolve attribute [organizationType.id] against path" exception?

EntityManager doesn't refresh the data after querying

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Named query not found:

java jpa ejb-3.0 entitymanager

How to get jpa datasource properties from Entity Manager

java jpa entitymanager jta

Hibernate java.lang.ClassCastException: org.hibernate.action.EntityIdentityInsertAction cannot be cast to org.hibernate.action.EntityInsertAction

Can Spring/JPA/Hibernate use simple JDBC-compliant driver?

Extending Doctrine EntityManager with EntityManagerDecorator leaves wrong reference in UnitOfWork

Injecting EntityManager in servlet, it seems not thread safe