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New posts in hibernate-criteria

Using Hibernate's Criteria API, can I use concat with ilike restrictions?

Is it possible to use aggregate functions and property in Projections, Criteria, Grails?

Is Hibernate Criteria API Deprecated and if so what API should we use?

Hibernate Criteria could not resolve property when it's there

Hibernate Criteria Projection

Ignorecase for In-Criterion

ClassCastException (String to Long) when running a subquery with Criteria

Grails: Problem with nested associations in criteria builder

IllegalStateException using CriteriaBuilder for getting a List in Java

How to make a criteria query with 3 OR Criterions properly?

Hibernate Criteria With Property Not In (Subquery)

Hibernate Criteria with Oracle analytic windowing function

How use Hibernate Criteria with searching in Postgresql JSON and use with Lateral

Can we check hibernate criteria alias already exists?

Please provide example for an If statement in hibernate criteria

Is this query possible using Criteria or DetachedCriteria Hibernate

Hibernate Criteria to query more than one class (or restrict by a list of subclasses)

Alias for properties that exist only in subclasses (Hibernate Criteria)

Does Hibernate's Criteria API still not support nested relations

Using Hibernate's Criteria and Projections to Select Multiple Distinct Columns