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New posts in analytic-functions

Referencing the value of the previous calculcated value in Oracle

How to avoid same out time in this query?

mysql: group by ID, get highest priority per each ID

Hibernate Criteria with Oracle analytic windowing function

Getting values relating to the max and min rows in Oracle

Oracle Analytic functions - resetting a windowing clause

In which scenarios does SQL Server ROW_NUMBER() not start from 1?

Creating a custom, multi-argument Oracle analytic function

Interesting Oracle analytic query challenge

Oracle Analytic Rolling Percentile

Remove ORDER BY clause from PARTITION BY clause?

NoSQL with analytic functions

calculate running balance in oracle query

oracle analytic-functions

How do I select a fixed number of rows for each group?

Oracle MIN as analytic function - odd behavior with ORDER BY?

Oracle Analytic function for min value in grouping

Oracle Analytic functions - How to reuse a PARTITION BY clause?

oracle analytic-functions

replace NULL values with latest non-NULL value in resultset series (SQL Server 2008 R2)

Oracle SQL Analytic query - recursive spreadsheet-like running total