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New posts in oracle11gr2

What is using Oracle database space? ("ORA-12953: ... exceeds the maximum allowed database size")

grant SELECT access to v$session to other users

SQL*Loader: Dealing with delimiter characters in data

Return all matches of a regular expression in Oracle

Exporting user to dmp file in Oracle11gr2

oracle export oracle11gr2

How would I create a table in Oracle 11g R2 from a SELECT AS and partition the table by range-list?

sql oracle oracle11gr2

Why does using REPLACE function on CLOB cause increase in CACHE_LOBS...?

oracle plsql clob oracle11gr2

How to specify INITRANS for a partitioned LOB index?

How do you make DBMS_DATAPUMP error if there's an error?

oracle plsql oracle11gr2

Highlight differences between two strings

Compute blob hash in trigger on blob's table

Oracle 11gR2 loading multiple files: sqlldr or external tables?

How to wait for dbms_scheduler jobs to finish

Truncating timestamps

Ordering by list of strings in Oracle SQL without LISTAGG

sql oracle oracle11gr2


Error code 2 starting OracleDbConsole service


Solution to implementing caching layer in pl/sql

How to eliminate subtype dependency?