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Where can I find a list of 'Stop' words for Oracle fulltext search?

What is using Oracle database space? ("ORA-12953: ... exceeds the maximum allowed database size")

Sequence does not increment unless I store value

oracle plsql oracle-xe


Invalid binding for Oracle UDT in procedure parameter

JDBC connection failing with ORA-12516

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how do i increase database size from 11GB to above 20Gb

How to reliably list and drop all spatial indexes in Oracle?

Monitoring tablespace usage in Oracle XE

Oracle XE installation aborts with no error explanation

oracle oracle-xe

Create user from string variables in a PL/SQL block

Error: ORA-12705: Cannot access NLS data files or invalid environment specified

Change NLS Character set parameters on Oracle 11g XE

Deferred Segment Creation feature not enabled (ORA-00439)

oracle oracle11g oracle-xe

ORACLE: Listener could not hand off Connection error

oracle11g oracle-xe

Oracle Express Edition - Can not connect remotely (plus others)

windows oracle-xe

Is there a way to install java on Oracle 11g XE?

Oracle XE or SQL Server Express

ORA-28000: the account is locked error getting frequently