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New posts in user-defined-types

How to return array of user defined types, and then pass as an argument in VBA

In oracle database, how can I specify default value for a parameter that is a user defined type?

How to use a user-defined-type in a Fortran interface

Is it allowed to overload operator+ for a standard library type and a built-in type?

Passing type bound procedures as arguments

How to convert this type of json response into User defined types

Executing remote procedure with user-defined table type variable parameter

Checking if a collection element exists in Oracle

Purpose of using different types of PL/SQL collections in Oracle

How to pass StringArrayType in Java to a stored procedure in SQL Server? [duplicate]

Ksoap2 cannot serialize exception on Android 2.2 (using user-defined object)

Invalid binding for Oracle UDT in procedure parameter

Impossible to add a User-Defined-Data Type parameter to my query

Cassandra CQL3: JSON or UDT

Why reference_wrapper behaves differently for built-in types?

Assigning field names to numpy array in Python 2.7.3

Haskell: Why is extra space needed in arithmetic sequence for user defined enum? [duplicate]

How to specify a List<MyCustomType> as a "Return Type" for a UML Interface Property