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New posts in entitymanager

Transaction required exception on execute update for JPQL update query

How to avoid overwriting of non-null values with null values?

How can the JPA recognize two classes with the same name but in different packages?

EntityManager.contains() returns false after persist()

After using the unwrap method on entitymanager to get the native hibernate session do I have to close both?

hibernate entitymanager

How to attache detached entity in Doctrine?

Handle multiple EntityManager in Java EE application

java jpa entitymanager concept

Heroku/Play/BoneCp connection issues

JPA update list of one to many relationship

EntityManager cannot use persist to save element to database

javax.ejb.EJBException when persisting an entity

java jpa-2.0 entitymanager

How to use JUnit tests with Spring Roo? (Problems with EntityManager)

Struggling to understand EntityManager proper use

hibernate jpa entitymanager

Hibernate EntityManager: remove referenced entity not working

Symfony2 subquery within Doctrine entity manager

Restarting the Entity Manager from Exception

What is the relationship between BMT/CMT and an application/container-managed EntityManager?

Best way to replace an entity using EntityManager

hibernate jpa entitymanager

When is a connection returned to the connection pool in a JPA application?

Fixing Null EntityManger in Spring MVC application?