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How to use Symfony autowiring with multiple entity managers

I would like to use the autowiring in a service that use 2 different entity manager. How to achieve something like that ?

use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager;
class TestService
    public function __construct(EntityManager $emA, EntityManager $emB)

My service.yml file use to be configured like that :

        class: App\Services\TestService
            - "@doctrine.orm.default_entity_manager"
            - "@doctrine.orm.secondary_entity_manager"
like image 834
Vivien Avatar asked Jan 25 '23 12:01


1 Answers

There are already two good answers posted but I'd like to add a third as well as some context to help chose which approach to use in a given situation.

emix's answer is very simple but a bit fragile in that it relies on the name of the argument for injecting the correct service. Which is fine but you won't get any help from your IDE and sometimes might be a bit awkward. The answer should probably use EntityManagerInterface but that is a minor point.

DynlanKas's answer requires a bit of code in each service to locate the desired manager. It's okay but can be a bit repetitive. On the other hand, the answer is perfect when you don't know in advance exactly which manager is needed. It allows you to select a manager based on some dynamic information.

This third answer is largely based on Ron's Answer but refined just a bit.

Make a new class for each entity manager:

namespace App\EntityManager;
use Doctrine\ORM\Decorator\EntityManagerDecorator;
class AEntityManager extends EntityManagerDecorator {}
class BEntityManager extends EntityManagerDecorator {}

Don't be alarmed that you are extending a decorator class. The class has the same interface and the same functionality as a 'real' entity manager. You just need to inject the desired manager:

# config/services.yaml
    decorates: doctrine.orm.a_entity_manager

    decorates: doctrine.orm.b_entity_manager

This approach requires making a new class for each entity manager as well as a couple of lines of configuration, but allows you to simply typehint against the desired class:

public function __construct(AEntityManager $emA, BEntityManager $emB)

It is, arguably, the most robust and standard way to approach the original question.

like image 86
Cerad Avatar answered Jan 28 '23 09:01
