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New posts in memcached

How can handle thousands of requests per second using php and mysql?

php mysql linux apache memcached

What are you using for Distributed Caching in web farms running ASP.NET?

Drupal — Fatal error: Class 'Memcache' not found

php drupal memcached

Google App Engine: Unit testing concurrent access to memcache

memcached restart starts a new memcached and doesn't kill the old one


Page Caching with Memcached

Retrieve all items in cache

c# caching memcached enyim

Spymemcached Hanging after Operations Completed

redis - Using Hashes

PHP Memcache(d) based sessions : Should garbage collection be disabled?

Connecting and Testing Memcached with PHP

php memcached

Why is total_items larger than curr_items in Memcached when I have plenty of memory and items are set to never expire?


What kind of bean should I use to provide access to a pool of objects in EJB?

How does Redis achieve the high throughput and performance?

redis cassandra memcached

ArangoDb as cache server alternative for redis

Fragment Caching with Memcached

What experience do you have using nginx and memcached to optimize a web site? [closed]

java glassfish memcached nginx

How to maintain cache for Java/J2EE web application?

Does Redis / Memcached / MongoDB (or any NoSQL systems) support MySQL's ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE?

PDOException: You cannot serialize or unserialize PDO instances