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How can handle thousands of requests per second using php and mysql?

I would like to implement an API using php and mysql technologies that can handle several thousands of requests per second.

I haven't did this kind of API before. If you have an experienced to implement similar task could you please tell me what are the steps?

How can I implement such kind of API that can handle thousands of request per second?

I would be glad if you could explain with sample codes.

Thanks in advance for your help.

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user7090883 Avatar asked Mar 10 '23 19:03


1 Answers

Based on the details described in the post, you likely want to use an asynchronous, stateless architecture. So requests don’t block resources and can scale easier (always sounds easier than actually doing it ;)).

Without knowing to what other services these servers would connect (it certainly doesn’t make things easier), I’d go for Elixir/Erlang as programming language and use Phoenix as a framework.

You get a robust functional language which comes with a lot of great built-in features/modules (e.g. mnesia, roll/unroll versions while being live) and scales well (good in utilizing all cores of your server).

If you need to queue up requests to the 2nd tier servers AMQP client/server (e.g. RabbitMQ) might be a good option (holds/stores the requests for the servers).

That works pretty okay if it’s stateless, in form of client asks one thing and the server responds once and is done with the task. If you have many requests because the clients ask for updates every single second, then you’re better switching to a stateful connection and use WebSockets so the server can push updates back to a lot of clients and cuts a lot of chatter/screaming.

All of this writing is from a ‘high up view’. In the end, it depends on what kind of services you want to provide. As that narrows down what the ‘suitable tool’ would be. My suggestion is one possibility which I think isn’t far off (Node.js mentioned before is also more than valid).

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Chirag Viradiya Avatar answered Apr 27 '23 00:04

Chirag Viradiya