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New posts in application-server

Java REST/SOAP service technology stack [closed]

Can Java Code tell if it is in an App Server?

Programmatically stop Java EE application during initializaton

Move application to Websphere clusters

A free Commercial-Use Application server for Java EE? [closed]

How do I access Glassfish V3 Administration Console Website from a remote host

Why does the .net world not have application servers like the Java world?

.net application-server

Maintaining state in the application server or in the database?

What is the main benefit of using an application server? [closed]

java application-server

What does Java EE compliant means?

Java EE without Application Server

Any effective opensource alternative for New Relic for Java [closed]

Deploying Clojure applications in a single JVM instance

HttpServletRequest reuse

Where to store application data on Android?

Java EE 6 Application Server for Web Profile with JavaMail

Glassfish is running in background

How do I permanently change java's default locale on Windows

EJB Local/Remote interface within separate applications in a single application server instance

what is the relationship between Application server and JVM?

java application-server