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no theme found for specified theme id . returning the default theme

How to set <aui:input> tag's calendar date and locale in Liferay 6.2 CE GA2?

Liferay.Upload Component Usage for Multi-file Upload

Navigate to another page on rowselect of datatable in primefaces

Displaying a portlet only when user is logged in

java liferay liferay-6 portlet

Which Graph Database (Orient or Titan) is good to use with spring and liferay? [closed]

Liferay logging

log4j liferay liferay-6

How to call specific method of portlet.java class rather then overide serveResource method?

ShouId I migrate from Liferay 6.1 to Liferay 6.2?

liferay liferay-6

Liferay Clustering

how can we remove that Liferay Logo , Sign In Hyperlinkand Powered BY ?? from the screen


Liferay ant deploy failure

ant liferay liferay-6

Liferay 6 create 'Add Page' link outside of dockbar

javascript liferay-6

Customizing password reminder (security-questions)

what are the pros and cons of setting virtual host in Liferay?

liferay liferay-6

Liferay 6.2-ce-ga2 clustering issue

Limit video preview to 5 mins or 10 MB size in Documents & Media portlet

Liferay portlet non-liferay JNDI data source null