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ShouId I migrate from Liferay 6.1 to Liferay 6.2?

I would like to ask a question about wether or not I should do the migration to Liferay 6.2.

Me and my team are working since 4 month on a portal quite big developed with Liferay 6.1 (CE edition) and now, since the project publication date is still 4-5 month ahead (so I do have time), I was wondering if doing the migration to 6.2 now is a good choice.

I already tried the new version and I must say I am impressed about the new features and since now I haven't find any bugs.

Anyone had any experience on developing portlet/themes on Liferay 6.2? Is is worth it to do the migration now or shall I wait for the next ga2 release?

Any suggestion is very welcome.


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enricob Avatar asked Dec 26 '22 17:12


1 Answers

Depends mostly on the kind of work you've done on that portal. Even slight upgrades in Liferay, can have major differences in the source code. If this affects the work you've done, it will affect the upgrade too. For example, things will get difficult to update if :

  1. You have developed custom portlets, as they will need recompilation for the new runtime
  2. Developed Portlets that use ServiceBuilder might need more work than just a recompilation
  3. Using Hooks (even simple jsp hooks) might need re-writing. ext hooks will almost certainly need to, and it can become a major pain

On, the other hand, if most of your work had to do with light theming and content management, it could become an relatively easy and painless upgrade.

In any case, make sure to keep a backup of your Liferay Database, because once you upgrade, there is no way to downgrade back to the initial version.

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yannicuLar Avatar answered Jan 10 '23 12:01
