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Which Graph Database (Orient or Titan) is good to use with spring and liferay? [closed]

please help me , I'm quite confuse while deciding to use graph database , I'm developing a Social networking website . so please suggest me which I have to use .

I developing this project using spring and liferay 6.2.

Please help me .

Thanks in advance.

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Kuldeep Bisen Avatar asked Feb 11 '23 21:02

Kuldeep Bisen

1 Answers

Titan as product is dead about 2 weeks ago. DataStax (Cassandra company) hired the Titan team, but not the product. They preferred to abandon Titan. Here the official announcement:


"We're not going to do an integration. The play here is we'll take everything that's been done on Titan as inspiration, and maybe some of the Titan project will make it into DSE Graph," DataStax engineering VP Martin Van Ryswyk said... But we're really going to build something new because we're going to be able now to take advantage of Cassandra specifically and DSE features specifically. It will be an engineering effort to build a new product. We will not be supporting or integrating Titan as a product into our portfolio."

And this is the official announcement in Titan group:

"However, there is also some sadness in this announcement. As we transition to DataStax, we will find little time to contribute toTitan and interact with the Titan community. We will miss that and hope that it will be carried forward."

Now, some users was very pissed off about this news. Read this:

"Not even that. They pulled the plug without a stable product, no prior notice and not caring about the companies that used a buggy system that broke compatibility every time just because a version 1.0 was promised."

(source: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/aureliusgraphs/WtU6om8CtqI/Q1_AIFRA4mkJ)

So after few days of flame in the group, Titan team said "Ok, Titan is alive", but this has been the reaction on Hacker News:


I'm not talking about Titan vs OrientDB from technical perspective (I'm the OrientDB author, so it would be unbiased), but I'm just pointing here that creating a new project based on a dead product seems a not so good idea. So you can go with OrientDB or wait for the new Cassandra DSE (Commercial only?) with graph features "inspired" to Titan.

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Lvca Avatar answered May 09 '23 18:05
