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Spring Data and MongoDB repository - how to create an update query?

I have the following jpa repository:

   @Query("UPDATE PlayerAccount pa SET pa.password = ?3 WHERE pa.id = ?1 AND pa.password = ?2")
   public int updatePasswordWithValidation(Long playerAccountId, String oldPasswordDB, String encodePassword);

Now, i would like to implement a similar update query for a mongoDB repository:

@Query("update( { _id: ObjectId(' $1 ') }, { $set: { messageStatus: $2} })")

But it doesn't work. any references to how a customized mongo repository update looks like?


like image 840
Urbanleg Avatar asked Feb 12 '23 11:02


1 Answers

The MongoDB query language is a query-only language. Thus, there's no such thing as an update query. If you need to executed dedicated updates with a Spring Data repository on top of MongoDB, you need a custom implementation method.

// Interface for custom functionality
interface SomeCustomRepository {
  void updateMethod(…);

// Custom implementation
class FooRepositoryImpl implements SomeCustomRepository {

  public void updateMethod(…) {

// Core repository declaration combining CRUD functionality and custom stuff
interface FooRepository extends CrudRepository<Foo, ObjectId>, SomeCustomRepository {

This approach is also described in the reference documentation.

like image 127
Oliver Drotbohm Avatar answered Feb 15 '23 01:02

Oliver Drotbohm