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Are there any full-featured tutorials or examples for faye on rails?

ruby-on-rails-3 faye

Sure you're not looking for /faye?

ruby-on-rails rack faye

Is Faye compatible with all browsers?

faye ruby client is not working

Faye on Heroku: Cross-Domain Issues

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Trigger the reloading of a page after a background job

PrivatePub is not defined error Rails 3.2 private pub

Using Faye on Heroku in production mode

Private pub on heroku

How to know when a user disconnects from a Faye channel?

Faye WebSocket, reconnect to socket after close handler gets triggered

cannot load such file -- thin (LoadError) while running rackup private_pub.ru -s thin -E production command

ruby faye private-pub

How to detect disconnect event on a channel with Faye

ruby-on-rails faye

Long-polling in Rails apps

Replace Faye with rails 4 server side events? Faye VS rails 4 streaming?

How do I list active subscribers using Faye?

Rails pub/sub with faye