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Develop a Instance Messaging Client + Server for Android

Flash/blink tab effect in Javascript

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Accept unlimited connections with socket

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Chat Bubble Cocoa

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Facebook chat hides Flash apps when open

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Pusher with Laravel 5 Authentication

Duplicate messages receiving in android smack 4.1

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Chat box scroll to bottom?

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Best way to keepAlive Connection With Xmpp Server in Android

Python 3 - multiple AsyncIO connections

How do I create a chat server that is not driven by polling?

jsqmessagesviewcontroller like elagant message library for android

Data Model for Firebase/Firestore chat application

PHP Comet. How to do it better?

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Identify with services-IRC [closed]

Delivery receipt requests not working for XMPP Android (aSmack)

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AJAX IRCX Client and Server

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MySQL - WHERE, AND & OR syntax

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PHP/jQuery chat plugin [closed]

Node.JS: How to create a HTTP Chat Server?