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Facebook chat hides Flash apps when open

While running a Flash app, if I open a new or existing Facebook chat window, my Flash content disappears. I can continue to hear music playing from the app and when I close/minimize the Facebook chat window, my Flash content reappears. Is this a known issue?

This is happening in Google Chrome 15 and Internet Explorer 9 on Windows 7 with Flash Player 11.

I checked this on my own Flash app as well as on another Flash app made by someone else and the same behaviour is occurring. It does not however hide non-Flash content.

It seems to be a bug with Facebook chat and Flash content.

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Phill Gwizdak Avatar asked Feb 22 '23 08:02

Phill Gwizdak

1 Answers

from http://developers.facebook.com/docs/appsonfacebook/tutorial/:

If you are hosting an Adobe Flash application within Canvas, it is recommended that you set the wmode of the Flash object to "opaque":

... Other modes (including the default mode, wmode="window", wmode="direct", and wmode="gpu") require us to hide your flash object when dialogs, popups, chat tabs, and ticker flyouts occur. This can be unpleasant or confusing for users.

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ravidio Avatar answered Apr 19 '23 09:04
