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What are the prerequisites for Facebook stream.publish?





I'm wondering if someone would help me troubleshoot my test for stream.publish. I thought I had all the right pieces. Here's the code:

require_once 'facebook.php';
$appapikey = 'xxxxxxx';
$appsecret = 'xxxxxxx';
$facebook = new Facebook($appapikey, $appsecret);
$user_id = $facebook->require_login();

$message = "Will this status show up and allow me to dominate the world?!";
$uid = $user_id;
echo $uid;

What I'm expecting is my status to change to $message's content. What happens instead is that my UID is echo'd, and then it throws a 500 error. I've allowed publish_stream as well as offline_access (verified in my app settings, via my profile), the the API key hooks this small bit of code to my app. What other pieces do I need to make this simple example work? I'm finding the FB documentation a little hard to put together.

-- The include is the official PHP Facebook library

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Alex Mcp Avatar asked Mar 01 '23 12:03

Alex Mcp

2 Answers

stream_publish() takes more than two arguments:

stream_publish($message, $attachment = null, 
               $action_links = null, $target_id = null, 
               $uid = null)

Where $target_id is the user or page you're publishing to and $uid is the user or page who is doing the publishing - and which defaults to your session id. To be completely explicit about this, I think you need to try

require_once 'facebook.php';
$appapikey = 'xxxxxxx';
$appsecret = 'xxxxxxx';
$facebook = new Facebook($appapikey, $appsecret);
$user_id = $facebook->require_login();

$message = "Will this status show up and allow me to dominate the world?!";

echo $user_id;

An alternate form might be:

$app_id = 'xxxxxxx'; 
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Mike Heinz Avatar answered Mar 03 '23 02:03

Mike Heinz

This one works in 2011! I had the same problem. Most of the tuts seem to be out of date thanks to Facebook changes. I eventually found a way that worked and did a quick blog article about it here:


There's also a screen shot to show you what the result is. Make sure you also see the blog post about authentication though.

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Relaxing In Cyprus Avatar answered Mar 03 '23 03:03

Relaxing In Cyprus