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facebook graph can not get comments

After Search post from graph


here will return some data. In the third post:

     "from": {
        "name": "Alessio Mrbillyplus Frustaci",
        "id": "1665626783"
     "picture": "http://external.ak.fbcdn.net/safe_image.php?d=AQDGoBK_lUeeMb5x&w=130&h=130&url=http\u00253A\u00252F\u00252Fi3.ytimg.com\u00252Fvi\u00252Fjo5GcYeh7XA\u00252Fdefault.jpg",
     "link": "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jo5GcYeh7XA&feature=share",
     "name": "Herbie Hancock \"Watermelon Man\"",
     "caption": "www.youtube.com",
     "description": "From the 1973 album \"Headhunters\" here's Herbie Hancock with \"Watermelon Man\" Sampled by Super Cat \" Dolly My Baby\" LL Cool J \"1-900-LL Cool J\" Shaquille O'N...",
     "created_time": "2011-09-17T17:44:48+0000",
     "id": "1665626783_235117223205324",
     "comments": {
        "data": [
              "id": "1665626783_235117223205324_3043725",
              "from": {
                 "name": "Alessio Mrbillyplus Frustaci",
                 "id": "1665626783"
              "message": "La enne e la doppia effe aaaaaa",
              "created_time": "2011-09-17T17:45:52+0000"

It is clearly that it has comments in it. So the PostID is 1665626783_235117223205324 and CommentID is 1665626783_235117223205324_3043725? But when I tried search a post or comments, the data return empty.



https://api.facebook.com/method/fql.query? callback=json& query=SELECT%20comments%20FROM%20stream%20WHERE%20post_id%20%3D%20'1665626783_235117223205324'&access_token=XXXXXXXXXXXXXX //empty

What is the big problem?

like image 936
fish man Avatar asked Feb 23 '23 23:02

fish man

2 Answers

There may be privacy settings in place which prevent the current user from seeing the posts or comments, where are those comments posted? Are you accessing them with an access_token from a user who can see the content?

As Mahima said, both of those calls should be working and i've tested equivalent calls with posts from my own news feed or page walls.

A call to /1665626783_235117223205324 for me returns false, which indicates i don't have permission to view the item.

This could also be a bug, but you'd need to have a very clear set of sample data to demonstrate the issue so it can be reproduced by Facebook

like image 80
Igy Avatar answered Feb 25 '23 11:02


I tried with post id and comment id both as


both are working .. Make sure the access_token you are using is either of the application which you used for posting on a user's wal.. Or the access_token has sufficient read_stream and offline_access permission of the user ..

like image 23
mjs Avatar answered Feb 25 '23 11:02
