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New posts in instant-messaging

How do I create a chat server that is not driven by polling?

What are the URI/URL schemes for most IM networks?

url uri instant-messaging

OpenSource Instant Messaging APIs [closed]

Twilio IP messaging, how to unsubscribe from channel

Extending the Windows 8 Messaging Hub

websocket communication between clients in distributed system

Good example of using libpurple? [closed]

Why setting a client-side timeout when using long polling?

How to I implement whatsapp type messenger using MQTT?

Where can I find an ICQ library for C#?

how to configure asterisk instant messaging

Real-time chat with push notification


Sending IMs through an API [closed]

How to send images in Gitter? [closed]

Do you chat online for work purposes?

Preventing MITM attacks on server

Differences between Bonjour/Avahi/People-Nearby protocols

Libraries to connect to Instant Messaging (IM) services like Yahoo , MSN, AIM through Java Program [closed]

xmpp instant-messaging

Using APNs in a messaging app