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Confusion about the 005 IRC numeric and general RFC

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How to run a PHP script via SSH and keep it running after I quit

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Identify with services-IRC [closed]

Python IRC client: write from scratch or write plugin for existing framework?

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TypeError: can't concat bytes to str, trying to use python3

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Java irc library [closed]

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How to set up CIAbot for github repository

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Connect to multiple IRC servers with ExIrc (Elixir)?

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Do all IRC servers send 005 RPL_ISUPPORT?


Looking for a pure PowerShell IRC client

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Windows Phone 8.1 IRC

socket.error: [Errno 10054]

Sending data received in one Twisted factory to second factory

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Hubot hangs/freezes when launching

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IRC bot in python won't send messages

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Good Example of Twisted IRC Server?

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My Ruby IRC bot doesn't connect to the IRC server. What am I doing wrong?

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Basic IRC Server Protocol overview / tutorial

Internet chat service like IRC but with message history

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A simple Python IRC client library that supports SSL?

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