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New posts in irc

How can I implement a simple IRC client in Perl?

perl cpan irc

What's the right way to kill child processes in perl before exiting?

perl fork irc poe

How to write and send text to mIRC in C#/Win32?

c# winapi irc

Best tutorial for application multicasting? [closed]

ip multicast irc

What's an idiomatic way of handling a lazy input channel in Haskell

haskell state monads irc

List users in IRC channel using Twisted Python IRC framework

python twisted irc

IRC Bot: Error - Registration Timeout

c sockets irc

How can I write colored text to irc channel with Irssi?

irc irssi

Regular expression to match IRC nickname

regex irc

Load/reload a portion of code in Python without restarting main script

python twisted irc

CTCP raw protocol ACTION command with in c#

c# irc

Trying to write an IRC client but struggling to find a good resource regarding codes and connection protocol

c# irc

IRC client in python

python irc

Why does my IRC bot not connect?

c# .net irc bots

Gracefully shut down a TCP socket

c++ sockets tcp winsock irc

Node.js JavaScript: Simulate Keypress on Server (Like a Macro)

javascript node.js irc

Detect if IRC user is a "voice" or higher [C# irc bot]

c# irc

Auto-join all currently open channels in Irssi

irc irssi

Connection timing out when connecting to an IRC server with PHP

php irc

Python, recreate a socket and automatically reconnect

python irc