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New posts in irc

IRC USER message makes no sense to me


Building an IRC bot in Java

java sockets irc

How to strip color codes used by mIRC users?

python irc

Buffers per frame

emacs buffer irc gnus

I am looking for a JavaScript IRC client [closed]

javascript irc

Programming a simple IRC (Internet-Relay-Chat) Client

ruby shoes irc

Detecting when a user leaves or enters a channel with hubot

coffeescript irc hubot

Recommended IRC server (ircd) for a small site? [closed]

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IRC Python Bot: Best Way [closed]

python irc bots

Determine If a User Is Idented On IRC

irc bots

Embed mIRC Color codes into a C# literal?

c# irc

Best way to embed an IRC client in a webpage

html irc

IRC library in C# [closed]

c# client irc

Insert line breaks into an IRC message

line-breaks irc

Is there a way to get the users of an IRC channel without joining it?


C++ network programming

what's the best open protocol for chat room software?

Best IRC server for programming channels? [closed]


What is a good IRC channel for Objective-C and Cocoa programming [closed]

objective-c irc

Python - a bytes like object is required, not str

python python-3.x irc twitch