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IRC USER message makes no sense to me



First, please tell me if I'm not allowed to ask about this protocol here... It just seemed like the best place. Sorry if I'm wrong.

So according to wikipedia the USER message goes like the following:

USER username hostname servername :realname

What's the difference between hostname and servername? Thanks.

like image 346
pajm Avatar asked Mar 04 '11 22:03


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2 Answers

RFC 1459 states in section 4.1.3:

Note that hostname and servername are normally ignored by the IRC server when the USER command comes from a directly connected client (for security reasons), but they are used in server to server communication.

like image 155
Greg Hewgill Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 22:10

Greg Hewgill

USER command from RFC1459 is modified in RFC2812 which moots your question slightly.

like image 29
carlsb3rg Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 00:10
