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List users in IRC channel using Twisted Python IRC framework

I am trying to write a function that will print the lists of nicks in an IRC channel to the channel using Twisted Python. How do I do this? I have read the API documentation and I have only seen one question similar to mine on this site, but it doesn't really answer my question. If I knew how to get the userlist (or whatever it is Twisted recognizes it as), I could simply iterate the list using a for loop, but I don't know how to get this list.

like image 584
paul Avatar asked Jul 12 '11 21:07


1 Answers

The linked example you seem to think is the same, uses WHO, different command, different purpose. The correct way is to use NAMES.

Extended IRCClient to support a names command.

from twisted.words.protocols import irc
from twisted.internet import defer

class NamesIRCClient(irc.IRCClient):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self._namescallback = {}

    def names(self, channel):
        channel = channel.lower()
        d = defer.Deferred()
        if channel not in self._namescallback:
            self._namescallback[channel] = ([], [])

        self.sendLine("NAMES %s" % channel)
        return d

    def irc_RPL_NAMREPLY(self, prefix, params):
        channel = params[2].lower()
        nicklist = params[3].split(' ')

        if channel not in self._namescallback:

        n = self._namescallback[channel][1]
        n += nicklist

    def irc_RPL_ENDOFNAMES(self, prefix, params):
        channel = params[1].lower()
        if channel not in self._namescallback:

        callbacks, namelist = self._namescallback[channel]

        for cb in callbacks:

        del self._namescallback[channel]


def got_names(nicklist):
self.names("#some channel").addCallback(got_names)
like image 197
smackshow Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 21:11
