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Node.js JavaScript: Simulate Keypress on Server (Like a Macro)

I am trying to get a node.js script to simulate a keypress, such as the up arrow or the a button. Specifically, I am trying to make a clone of Twitch Plays Pokemon. Basically, whenever a command (up, down, left, right, a, b, select, start) is sent via IRC, the server simulates a keypress, which in turn controls a gameboy emulator. So far, I have written this with the IRC module for node.js:

var config = {
    channels: ["#tron"],
    server: "irc.freenode.net",
    botName: "wyatt"

var irc = require("irc");

var bot = new irc.Client(config.server, config.botName, {
    channels: config.channels

var commandHandler = function(from, text) {
    if(text.toLowerCase() === "up"||text.toLowerCase() === "down"||text.toLowerCase() === "left"||text.toLowerCase() === "right"||text.toLowerCase() === "a"||text.toLowerCase() === "b"||text.toLowerCase() === "select"||text.toLowerCase() === "start") {
        bot.say(config.channels[0], from.toUpperCase() + " sent the " + text.toUpperCase() + " command!");
    } else {
        bot.say(config.channels[0], from.toUpperCase() + ", that wasn't a valid command!");

bot.addListener("message", function(from, to, text, message) {
    commandHandler(from, text);

To run my script, I type node scriptName.js into a command prompt. I am using Windows 7.

This connects to the freenode channel #tron, which I am using for testing purposes, as it seems to be mainly dormant.

When a user inputs one of the accpted commands, it sends a message like "NIMAID sent the LEFT command!", otherwise it sends "NIMAID, that wasn't a valid command!". As it is, it works flawlessly. So all I need to do is find a way to send a keypress and the final script is just a switch statement away.

The trouble is that any references I can find by searching the internet talks about using node.js in a browser environment, with JQuery or something similar. I need to send keypresses to an emulator.

tldr: I need to send keypresses from a node.js script to an application running on the windows 7 server desktop.

Is there any way to do this?

like image 744
Nimaid Avatar asked Feb 18 '14 09:02


3 Answers

I made a node module to do this too: https://github.com/kylepaulsen/kbm-robot

var robot = require("kbm-robot");


    .typeString("Hello World!")
like image 109
Kyle Paulsen Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 04:10

Kyle Paulsen

Apparently, there's a win_keyboard module in the npm registry that somebody wrote to control the keyboard in Windows. You can run npm install win_keyboard and use that; it appears to do exactly what you want.

like image 30
Stuart P. Bentley Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 04:10

Stuart P. Bentley

You may try an alternative to RobotJS. It is a very small and still cross platform library to send keys to your operational system called node-key-sender. I developed after getting frustrated with RobotJS and kbm-robot.

Install it with npm install --save-dev node-key-sender.

And send a text to the keyboard using:

var ks = require('node-key-sender');
ks.sendText('This is my text');

Check out the documentation page: https://www.npmjs.com/package/node-key-sender.

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computeiro Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 03:10
