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New posts in hubot

How can Hubot run function regularly, without any command?


Unable to deploy Hubot on Heroku

node.js heroku hubot

How to execute shell script from hubot

Coffeescript regex not matching as intended

Hubot hangs/freezes when launching

irc hubot

CoffeeScript - Execute bash script with arguments

Hubot's github-pull-request-notifier.coffee


How to make Hubot understand chat context?

state-machine hubot

How do I find the name of the room Hubot is responding to?

coffeescript hubot

Can't retrieve username of user in Hubot

node.js coffeescript hubot

GET pull request merge commit sha from pull request number using github api

Calling one command from another


How to setup Hubot basic permissions?


Remove Heroku setting from Hubot?

heroku hubot

Detecting when a user leaves or enters a channel with hubot

coffeescript irc hubot

How do you 'mention' users in this hubot cron script for Slack, so they can see it as notification if their notification settings are on?

cron hubot slack-api

How to use Hubot in Slack

heroku hubot slack-api

Debugging/printing in a Hubot script

node.js hubot

How do I combine multiple queries in ElasticSearch

Get Hubot to talk at a certain time?

node.js coffeescript hubot